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Turčija do 21 Slovenija do 21 v živo online 17 november 2023

V preglednici so podani osnovni parametri, to so čas potresa, lokalna magnituda, največja intenziteta v Sloveniji po Evropski potresni lestvici EMS-98 in ...

NoviceV Metliki odprli prizidek k zdravstvenemu domu V Metliki so danes odprli nov prizidek k tamkajšnjemu zdravstvenemu domu. V njem so urediti... Več lokalnih novic Vreme 10 °C Novo Mesto Jutri 10 2 Nedelja 11 -0 Ponedeljek Torek 5 Slovenija in svet Svet Slovenija Spolnost Nemec prisega na kondome Nemci pri izbiri kontracepcijskega sredstva vse pogosteje posegajo po kondomih namesto po kontracepcijskih tabletah. Popadljiv Pes moldavske predsednice ugriznil Van der Bellna Na večdnevnem obisku v Moldaviji si slovenska predsednica Nataša Pirc Musar in avstrijski predsednik Alexander van der Bellen prizadevata za politično zbliževanje. Ne dobavijo v dogovorjenem roku V podjetju Vročina se lahko opečete Tržni inšpektorat RS je na podlagi več prejetih prijav potrošnikov in opravljenih nadzorov potrošnike danes pozval k previdnosti pri nakupih blaga v podjetju Vročina iz Novega mesta. KronikaNovomeški policisti prijeli tatu Policisti PP Novo mesto so od septembra na območju Novega mesta obravnavali več kaznivih dejanj... KronikaVinjen povzročil nesrečo Včeraj nekaj po 18. uri so bili policisti obveščeni o prometni nesreči z udeležbo dveh... NoviceMetlika bo pomagala trem občinam, prizadetim v poplavah ŠportACH Volley do zanesljive zmage v treh nizih V devetem krogu prvenstva sta se v Novem mestu pomerila Krka in ACH Volley. Zanesljive... ŠportNaja Pinterič tretja v veslanju stoje na mladinskem SP NoviceRazstava venčkov V Valvasorjevi knjižnici Krško trenutno poteka razstava "Narava in roka, " ki predstavlja umetniški talent dolgoletne... Antifungal stewardship from primary to tertiary care (AMS Cert. )1 - 2 February 2024, Leuven, BelgiumView the course programme flyer hereRegister for the event hereThis course is part of the ESCMID AMS Certificate programme. However, there are also a limited number of places available for individual registration to this course. Neglected parasitic diseases & malaria: road back from molecular to microscopy + AI4 – 8 March 2024, Madrid, SpainView the course programme flyer hereRegister for the event hereApply for an attendance grant here (until 27 November 2023)Antimicrobial stewardship programme live! On-site learning in a Southern Europe hospital with low rate of MDRO (AMS Cert. )8 – 10 May 2024, Seville, SpainView the preliminary course programme flyer hereRegister for the event hereThis course is part of the ESCMID AMS Certificate programme. However, there are also a limited number of places available for individual registration to this course. Previous 2023 CoursesUpdate on current emerging infections19 - 20 January 2023, Istanbul, TurkeyView the course programme flyer hereRegistration closedAntifungal stewardship from primary to tertiary care (AMS Cert. )9 - 10 February 2023, Leuven, BelgiumView the course programme flyer hereRegistration closedMeasles in the 21th century: is eradication possible and how? 8 - 10 March 2023, Paris, FranceView the course programme flyer hereRegistration closedAntimicrobial stewardship (AMS) in migration- and travel-associated infections (AMS Cert. 000 pobeglih Ukrajinci tudi plavajo iz države, da se izognejo vpoklicu v vojsko Od začetka vojne med Ukrajino in Rusijo je več kot 20. 000 moških uspešno pobegnilo iz Ukrajine, podobno število mož pa so ukrajinske oblasti ujele med poskusom pobega. Drag inštrument Kitaro Erica Claptona na dražbi prodali za več kot milijon dolarjev Claptonova psihedelična kitara je dosegla najvišjo ceno na četrtkovi dražbi hiše Julien's Auctions z naslovom Worn And Torn, ki je ponujala instrumente in druge predmete rock'n'rolla. COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - WorldometerCOVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Last updated: November 17, 2023, 13:37 GMT Active Cases 21, 490, 882 Currently Infected Patients 21, 452, 981 (99. 8%) in Mild Condition 37, 901 (0. 2%) Serious or Critical Show Graph Closed Cases 676, 463, 357 Cases which had an outcome: 669, 524, 025 (99%) Recovered / Discharged The charts above are updated after the close of the day in GMT+0. See more graphs Reported Cases and Deaths by Country or Territory NOTE: Effective February 1, 2023, the Coronavirus Tracker has switched from LIVE to Daily Updates. As a number of major countries have now transitioned to weekly updates, there is no need anymore for immediate updates throughout the day as soon as a new report is released. On January 29, 2020, Worldometer started tracking the coronavirus, providing the most timely and accurate global statistics to all users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely challenging. UN Web TV: Home Broadcasting of live and on-demand United Nations meetings and events on UN Web TV. Buy Live, Push, Max for Live and Ableton merchandise How can I find my upgrade price if I have an existing Live license? Futsal: NZS in 15.11., bo naša futsal reprezentanca do 21 odigrala dve pripravljalni tekmi. V Slovenijo prihaja Portugalska, tekmi pa bosta v Ajdovščini in na Škofijah ... International Football On TV Schedule UK Wales U21 v Czech Republic U21. UEFA Under-21 Championship Qualifier. S4C Online Live Football On TV. View All Matches · View by Competition · View by Team ... )16– 17 September, 2024, Herrsching, GermanyView the course programme flyer hereRegister for the event hereThis course is part of the ESCMID AMS Certificate programme. However, there are also a limited number of places available for individual registration to this course. Note: this is the current listing of our onsite courses and workshops. To view workshops held in previous years, please click here. Leprosy: back to the future20 - 22 May 2024, Bergen, NorwayView the course programme flyer hereRegister for the event hereApply for an attendance grant here (until 12 February 2024)Updates on vaccine immunology, new vaccine candidates and platforms23 May 2024, Copenhagen, DenmarkView the course programme flyer hereRegister for the event hereApply for an attendance grant here (until 13 February 2024)Paediatric infection management for the microbiologist, antimicrobial pharmacist, paediatrician and adult infectious diseases specialist (AMS Cert. [v živo!] Slovenija Egipt v živo online 04/10/2023 Prijava - | Miss ... Turčija, Egipt in Tunizija. Na olimpijske igre vodita prvi dve mesti v skupini (PRETAKANJE<<) Slovenija do 21 Francija do 21 in prenosi v ž [šport ...


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